Sep 29, 2012

CS Update; The Next Level

Hey readers, been a while. I hope everyone is well. I realize it's been a while since my last update, for that I apologize for everyone waiting ever so anxiously for the next chapter to arrive. I humbly post this for you tonight with a very important update, and a plea for forgiveness.

The Control Syrium is back! I know I posted the exact same message this summer, but this time it's not just legit, it's legitimately legit. CS is back in production, but along the way I have made a crucial decision. CS is moving!

We're moving up. The story will be undergoing some major changes, as I have plans to rewrite the entire thing. The semantics are essentially the same, only a few minor differences. In a way, you could consider this board the first draft of the CS arc. May as well be straight about it, I wrote most of this story on impulse, in the heat of the moment. I didn't plan most, if any, of it. It's a habit of mine when doing, well, most of anything really. I don't think about what I do, I just do. I've never been one to plan, always a spontaneous prodigy. Well, it sounds awesome if you put it like that, but it's got its own flaws.

It was fun, but in all honesty, I look at this story, and it's not what I want out of CS. I know I can do better than this, and I am more than willing now to go the extra mile to assure this story gets the proper respect it deserves. Right now, I'm as good as I ever will be. I've taken no courses, I've received no training, everything I've learned on my own. I know I can do this, and I'm ready. I hope you are too, 'cause I can promise you lot one thing, it's gonna be intense.

I will keep this site up as a relic, but for those wanting to follow the "new" CS story, click here: Don't worry, it'll look pretty later.

I hope to see you on the new site. Godspeed you on your way.

 - Trav