Apr 16, 2012

Chapter 4 - Divide and Conquer

Willy sat up from his bed, using the rails and wall as leverage. His attempt at standing up was going quite well without the crutches. While standing up didn’t instigate any trouble, walking was another matter altogether. He gently took his hand off of the wall, making a break for the door. He took his first step, grimacing with a great, whirling sensation of pain circulating through his whole leg. The pain, unusually, was quite tame, at least compared to the week prior to this. With Lara in school, that left only him at home. He made Lara promise, even swear he wouldn’t do anything stupid. She still didn’t seem to trust him, even proposing a swift pinky promise. Like it mattered, what could he do In his situation?

Oh well, he was about to find out himself.

It had been one week exactly since Sora visited Willy’s hospital room, giving him a strange syringe. Looking back, Willy realized that taking an unidentified syringe with no idea what it was probably not one of his smartest ideas. He slapped himself mentally for his foolish display (since his hands were busy), never in his life had he felt like such pitiful squander. Desperate times called for desperate measures, was his justification for the event. As foolish as that may have sounded to anyone else, to Willy it was all that mattered, him getting better. It was everything, and if so meant destroying the rest of him so he could run again, he would willingly, even gladly destroy himself.

Willy smiled in triumph, beaming with a confident, well endowed smirk that he was acknowledged for in Heretic High. His strength was returning. With no physical therapy sessions yet, not even giving enough time to fully heal from the operation, he was walking, needless to say a huge step in the right direction. His progress was overwhelmingly rapid. It was the happiest Willy had felt in two weeks.

His confident smirk was soon replaced by a shocking revelation; his knee gave out under him. Willy crashed among his own weight, groaning in pain, he bit his tongue to avoid screaming, latching on to his nearby nightstand to retain his balance, to no avail. He flipped over his lamp, crashing next to him, the bulb flickering its final moments of illumination, dimming away from underneath him. Willy rolled over on the floor, clasping his forehead with both of his hands, covering his eyes. Despite his apparently bad situation, he was smiling, even chuckling.

“It’s working,” he said, barely above a whisper. He slowly sat up, a look of satisfaction plaguing his features. “It’s really working.”

Through all of this, Willy had currently one motive to get better, and fast. No matter the cost, he had to improve himself. He was already behind from before, to that boy. The boy who single handedly, within a day’s time, shattered his school record of 100 meter rush. That wasn’t going to fly with Willy, he was not about to let that record sit. Willy’s knee had to get better, to reclaim his title, his rightful title.

Willy turned his head east, looking toward his single bedroom window, he noticed it was open… and a figure sitting upon the window sill as casually as can be. Willy’s eyes widened upon the realization of who it was.

“Who are you?”

“Thank you for your time. Meeting adjourned,” Lara closed her clipboard on the desk, sitting tall among the edge of the table in the student council room. The members of the council, each sitting in their respective chairs surrounding the table, nodded in appreciation of Lara, grabbing their accessories, leaving the room proudly. Lara sighed to herself, standing up from her ‘honorary’ position in the front of the classroom. With the lot of moving bodies among the school halls due to the end of last period, the students were grabbing their things from their lockers, associating with their fellow peers, and heading out for the bus stops. Being on the official student council meant a free skip to their last period, but they were still overseen and observed by an instructor. Still, the man never said a word, and never got involved in matters that he wasn’t concerned with, leaving the students to their tasks.

“Great job today, Lara,” Jesse stood next to Lara with a somewhat conceited smirk. “You practically had the council majority on their knees, admiring your large, prosperous brea-“

“Need I remind you the only reason you’re on this council is because of a favor I owed Willy?” Lara interrupted insensitively, not giving him any eye contact at all. Clearly, she was not as amused about his comment as he was. “I’d suggest watching your tone. It really wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all if I were to suspend you from the council.” She stated coldly, making her way for the exit. Jesse turned back, smiling conceitedly.

“Alright, excuse me madam. I actually just wanted to ask how Willy was doing,” Jesse cut to the point. He hadn’t even spoken to Willy since his accident. Due to Willy accepting no visitors, not even his best friend, he hadn’t seen him at all either. Lara cut her eyes back.

“He’s holding up,” Lara replied simply. “It’s been really hard on him. A guy like him is not used to being handicapped. He’ll get through it, his motivation is something really unorthodox.” Lara smiled to herself, but made visible to Jesse as well. Jesse nodded.

“Good to hear. When will he be back in school? I just got this new card the rare Utopian card at the latest auction and he has to see it,” Jesse’s eyes lit up, clenching his fists in triumph, holding the single card over his head. Lara merely looked back at him like an idiot.

“I can’t answer that,” Lara shrugged. “Whenever he’s ready, he’s ready. You know how he is.” Jesse chuckled lightheartedly, an uncommon occurrence. Most people that knew Jesse referred to him as ‘Stone Cold Jesse’, as a reference to his usual cold nature, yet his hard-ass persona he often displayed only during card games. Unlike Willy, he was a very motivated individual, but he could be when he wanted to be. He barely even took his work as a council vice president seriously, merely riding the benefit for skipping the last period of the day.

“Alright; Thanks Lara,” Jesse nodded casually, walking outside of the room. Lara watched Jesse leave, folding up her papers, stacking them within her backpack, she sighed to herself, a fairly hefty intake of fresh air symbolizing her relief. Her day was over, and like she promised Willy, she would be home right away, after she stopped by the grocery store. Picking up her cell phone, she speed dialed Willy’s number with a single click, listening in on the other line.

“I wouldn’t bother trying that,” a smooth, yet unrecognizable voice reverberated through the vacant room. Lara turned her head, cutting her eyes toward the desk with a rather spiteful scowl. The young man kicked over the chair to the main desk hastily, smirking sinisterly as her phone was disconnected. The door immediately shut, leaving only the two of them inside, with apparently no signal. She showed no signs of intimidation, only annoyance for getting in her way. Upon further speculation and glancing at the new arrival, her face twisted in a sign of irritation.

“What business do you have with me, Anthony?” Lara inquired, glaring seriously at the golden-eyed, freakazoid styled red hairdo of the eccentric looking man sitting on the desk in front of her. His eyes widened in an unhinged, yet focused gaze. He cracked a widespread smile that only further carved his eccentricity.

“Lara Willman. I’ve been stalking you around school,” he leaned closer to the desk, leaping off, landing upright on his feet, he stood in front of Lara, staring down at her, keeping his eccentric glare.

“So, you’re going to admit you’re a stalker?” Lara asked, raising a brow. Despite his antics, she didn’t find him funny at all. He was often regarded as the class clown of the senior class (aka Lara’s class). “You realize I can not only have you expelled for this… but arrested, as well?”

“Yeah, but you’re not gonna do any of that stuff to me,” Anthony leaned closer, prompting Lara to step back.

“Why wouldn’t I? From the way you’re acting now, you’re only giving me more indication to turn you in…”

“I’ll put it simple, Lara,” Anthony began. “I like you, and I want you. We can do this the easy way… or the hard way,” Anthony smoothed in, caressing her face with his hand. She smacked his hand away, glaring at him with intense hazel eyes.

“You and I aren’t going to be doing anything, any kind of way,” Lara walked by Anthony, who turned his head slightly, watching her leave. He grinned madly, gesturing with his finger behind Lara, twisting his fingers in an unorthodox pattern.

“Ahh… I didn’t want to use this trump card… but you’re being reaaally difficult,” Anthony smirked. Lara stopped, glaring back at Anthony somewhat uncaringly. “I know your secret, Lara.”

Lara continued staring at him like a dupe. “Well?”

Anthony walked up to Lara, gently grabbing her arm, much to the young woman’s protest. She attempted to snatch his arm away from her… but oddly enough, her strength couldn’t compare. He held up her arm effortlessly, even as she struggled. The girl in Heretic High, regarded for having monstrous strength and stamina, was being bested so easily by this clown?

He lightly stroked her wrist, among doing so, a matched set of round-shaped runes lit up like a matched set of decorative lights around her wrist. The sensation burned, causing her to cringe. The runes appeared white in color, pure white. Anthony’s eyes widened upon examination of this phenomenon in her body.

“You’re a war-rune user,” Anthony, for the first time, bluntly spoke up. Lara’s eyes widened, her teeth cringed, as she finally began to relax, panting slightly. The searing burns plaguing her arm diminishing, as did the appearance of the round runes as Anthony let go of her flesh. The runes that were apparent just a minute ago were gone just as quickly.

“You know about War-runes?” Lara asked, seemingly shocked. Anthony nodded.

“Yeah girl,” Anthony smiled somewhat crazily, his eyes widened with a unique ecstasy. “Studied them under my father.”

“Your… father?” Lara’s mouth fell agape. “Your surname… It wasn’t a coincidence.”

“Anthony Reid. The pleasure is mine, darling tulip,” Anthony placed his hands in his pockets, leaning back lazily against a desk in front of Lara, clearly not fond of proper greetings, taking his known status lightly.

“Don’t say embarrassing stuff like that,” Lara rolled her eyes. Anthony laughed out loud heartily. “But… what exactly are War-runes, anyway? This was given to me as a gift,” she said, pointing to her wrist. Anthony observed, leaning back against the desk (practically lying upon it now) and inhaled.

“War-runes are specially crafted minerals that embed into the physical structure of organic mass. Upon fusion with living matter, the runes distribute singular compounds through DNA. This grants the wielder of a rune special ‘abilities’ that are only accessible through a successful fusion.” Anthony twisted his head, cocking his neck back during the explanation, as if bored of explaining it, as if he had done it so many times before. Lara was thoroughly interested, and finally took the creep seriously. Even if he was a creep, he was… interesting.

“Because of the unique properties of everyone’s DNA, just the same, war-rune abilities are different in every person. The power it grants to the user is based on a number of factors; physical traits and mental psyche, for example, different for every person.” Anthony shrugged.

Lara looked down, her body somewhat shaken up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Never in her life would she imagine she would meet another war-rune user. She had heard they were so rare, meeting another one, in her school, was big, grand news.

“Where did these runes come from? What’s their origin?” Lara asked. She didn’t want to play 20 questions with him, but she felt she had to know this. Anthony looked up, and shrugged.

“I’m not entirely sure on that. No one knows, not even the man himself, my brilliant father,” Anthony replied with a sardonic tongue. Anthony sat up, resting his arms on his knees, his head cocked to the side, staring at Lara through the windows to her soul, piercing straight through. She felt as if she were a prisoner to him already, so reserved, she hated feeling like that. She didn’t like him, at all. His vibe he gave off was extremely unorthodox as well, an unpredictable nature about him. Being the son of a legendary, worldwide famed genius who was known to ‘act out’, that would come as less of a surprise being a hereditary trait. He certain had the deranged look nailed.

“What do you want with me?” Lara stepped up, her eyes narrowed, she glared back at Anthony with a fierce resolve. Anthony’s lips carved into a one sided grin, his eyes widened in response.

“I told you. I want you,” Anthony repeated, leaning closer to her, staring gallantly, dominantly into her eyes. Lara clenched her fist, pushing Anthony back, he barely caught his balance along the edge of the desk, lifting himself back up to balance, he appeared virtually unphased, and incredibly amused. “I guess I didn’t make myself clear earlier…” Anthony said slowly, his glare becoming more menacing and concentrated. His pupils shrunk as his face twisted in a livid expression. “I wasn’t offering you a choice.”

Lara charged forward, grabbing Anthony by the collar, yanking him to her face, where she stared him dead on, challenging him where he stood. “Get the hell away from me,” Lara pulled back her fist, gritting her teeth. Anthony smirked deviously as Lara pulled back her fist full throttle, pummeling Anthony straight across his face. Anthony’s body flipped and curled, crashing among the desks, creating not only a loud commotion, but also a large hole in the wall, where Anthony’s head was lodged.

“I see you’re choosing the hard way…” Anthony forcefully pulled his head out of the wall, white excess among his face. Anthony stood up, wiping it off, and grinned madly. “Listen to me, Lara…” Anthony began. Lara glared ahead. “This power… you love it, it’s great and all… but it carries a burden. You can never remove them, as I’m sure you’ve already discovered. You gotta fit in like that with the rest of your life, knowing that you’re different. In a society that typically employs the approach of ‘politically correct’, being different may as well be a crime. You’re required to be normal, or you’re hated for the rest of your life for being different. No one will treasure you for who you are, you’ll be alone, sad, lead to depression… which could ignite rapidly. Unless… you have someone like you, who understands you and treasures you for who you are.” Anthony lifted up his hand. “Join me, join us, join Nebelion!”

Lara stepped back, somewhat startled. She hadn’t expected this sort of speech. It may as well have been psychological warfare, but either way, she knew where she belonged, and she was not about to change her side, especially for her brother. “I’d rather be where I know I belong,” Lara said calmly and rationally. Anthony looked on. “I don’t know what this Nebelion is… but I can’t accept your offer. I will remain here.”

Anthony frowned, disappointed. “The perfect world… you can really turn that down so casually? What else do you want, Lara Willman?”

Lara looked on with a fierce content, the answer was painfully obvious to her. “There’s people here who need me, who care about me. They don’t know about the real me but… who cares? As long as they don’t know, no harm will befall anyone close to me.”

Anthony tapped his cheek playfully with a playful gesture. “Well well, I suppose I see… in that case, I suppose I will have no choice but to destroy every attachment… burden you have in this world, with my own hands.” Anthony stared darkly at Lara.

Lara’s eyes widened with a furious glaze. Anthony had just made the wrong turn, and he was about to regret what he said wholeheartedly. “You can threaten me all you want to. You can even pick on me and call me names, even spit on me… I can laugh that off. But I won’t tolerate anyone who picks on those dearest to me! I’ll kick your ass to Kingdom Come!”

Anthony cocked back his head, accepting Lara’s challenge head on. “You’re coming with me, my dear Lara.”

“Not in this lifetime!”

“You- how did you find my house?!” Willy exclaimed, standing up, somewhat unconsciously, as he had no idea what he was doing at the moment. Upon the meeting at the window sill, the figure jumped down, standing somewhat sluggishly, carrying him in an undignified manner. His blonde hair smoothly brushed along his head. He wore a golden-trimmed coat with metallic strides along the shoulders.

“Your window was open,” the man replied, gesturing toward the window. Willy felt the fumes burn in his head as the man toyed with him.

“Because you opened it!”

“Right,” he replied hysterically, as if shocked himself he discovered this for the first time. “My name is Zeru. I’ve been wanting to meet you for quite some time. It’s a pleasure, Jon Willman.”

Willy stared up at the mysterious man with baffled eyes. Looking into Zeru’s eyes, he couldn’t even paint a picture of the man, despite looking directly at him. As if he was entirely an enigma, nothing remained on the outside. It was strange, and Willy couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him that threw him off. He gave him a feeling of restlessness. The fact he knew his name, his full name, was even more impressive. Hardly anyone knew his full name, even the teachers referred to him merely as “Willy”. It was just his trademark.

“Ah, you’re standing? That’s quite fascinating!” Zeru acknowledged vigorously, throwing up the peace sign. “You’re getting stronger. Rock on, Jonny-boy.”

“Who the hell are you?” Willy stood up, conspicuously gazing at him. Zeru laughed with gusto, enjoying the situation for all it was worth.

“Heh, you really are a character,” Zeru looked down on Willy as a form of superiority, which was something Willy utterly resented, the feeling of being looked down upon, not recognized for what he was worth. “You should be careful just how you address your superiors, little boy,” Zeru cocked his head back, caressing his hands along his face as an indication of pre-eminence.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, barging into my house,” Willy glared head on, standing straight up, he felt a jolt of pain emit throughout his leg, which was easily subsided… much quicker than he had anticipated. Willy’s eyes widened in shock. My leg… what’s going on? It feels… so much better… great, even…

“Looks like the CPES syringe is taking effect,” Zeru walked closer to Willy, standing at over 6’2, he was clearly much taller than Willy. Willy looked up at him. “It’s a rather fast performing drug, eh? Really gets the job done in a jiffy. You must be feeling… overwhelmed, indulged with power beyond even your own dreams.”

“Wha-what the hell?” Willy staggered. “How do you know so much?”

“Well, you were visited by my mistress, right?” Zeru inquired, his bright, emerald eyes gleaming with a positive glimmer. “She was acting under my request.” Willy instantly flashed back to memories of Sora visiting his room a week ago today. Injecting him with the syringe. ‘This is everything to you.’

“You… you did this to me?” Willy looked in wonder, truly shocked at this discovery. Zeru nodded enthusiastically.

“I did,” Zeru sincerely stared. He seemed trustworthy enough, but his actions were still apprehensive, at the least, and really random.

“Why?” was all Willy could ask. “Why did you choose me?”

Zeru paused for a minute, as if contemplating the question. “Well… I would have to say, probably because of your ambitious, resolute temperament. See… there’s a pretty grave secret about this city. It’s really scaaary,” Zeru over acted, waving his hands among the air like a ghoul. Willy remained unamused. Zeru cleared his throat and continued. “In order to control this injection; one must have an absolute will. Your resolve to live is… really quite extraordinary, even among humanity. I haven’t felt such a strong will in normal humans. You’re really quite unique, you know.”

“I feel strange taking such compliments from a stranger… but thanks I guess,” Willy sighed. “So what are you doing here now? Observing your little experiment?” Willy asked sarcastically, and somewhat bitterly. Zeru nodded.

“Exactly. You seem to be doing well. But I feel I should tell you…” Zeru began. “You’re the second test subject that has been injected with this serum. The other two are people close to you. Really close, actually. I just wonder, which of you will survive… and be the last to stand.”

At this point, Zeru had lost Willy, but determining from his tone, this all appeared to be a game to him. He had to have an ulterior motive behind these actions. It all seemed so… obscure.

“I won’t let you have your way with us,” Willy stood up, facing Zeru. Zeru looked on amusingly, cracking an innocent appearing smile. Willy narrowed his eyes and glared, taking up a stance. His pupils dilated, his soul burned with a simple desire to punch this man through the wall. Where this impulse had gone, it run through his veins, taking him over, as if, like when he lost himself to ‘the zone’, his primal instincts would take over… this was exactly like that now.

Willy charged forward, kicking off of his good leg, straight-up punching Zeru across the face. Zeru’s face twisted upon the impact, his flesh flipped up and distorted from the collision with Willy’s fist. Willy glared on, his eyes widened with an intense resolve, watching Zeru crash course through the house. As the smoke cleared, Willy walked forward, his leg still sore, but at this point, walking on it was a cakewalk. Willy clenched his fists, his muscles bulged within his arms. He flexed his muscles, observing his muscles, and more excited by his physical strength. This had to be a dream… wasn’t it? No way this could be real… he felt fine, better than he ever had, actually, minus a little leg sore. It was… amazing.

He clenched his head, still unsure of where exactly he got the impulse to strike Zeru. It came out of nowhere.

“Still confused, I see,” Zeru’s voice startled Willy from behind. Willy looked back quickly, on guard, seeing that Zeru was completely unguarded, full of openings… yet he wasn’t even scratched from the previous attack. What the hell? And how did he end up behind Willy at such impeccable speed?

“I’ll take this as a token of your appreciation, Willy. All I ask in return…” Zeru began. “The elimination of Sidian Shamal. That’s all.”

Willy’s eyes widened gravely. “S-Sidian? Why Sidian?”

“Hehe,” Zeru turned back around, flaunting his golden cape among his body. In doing so, his body swirled in a mass distorted of the fabric of space and time. Willy watched with amazement as Zeru instantly teleported himself outside with a trendy dimensional rift. “It’s already starting, Willy. What we carve now… will surely be one for the books. Assuming there is anyone left to write them.”

Willy stood, leaning against the wall. He looked on, averting his gaze down to the ground. He was still so confused… but Zeru, the man who created him, ordered him to take down Sidian? His rival from the beginning of their first meeting? The man he hated, yet also admired? Zeru also mentioned secrets of Heretic City. What the hell was he talking about? Willy wanted to ask so many things… and yet. He lost himself.

“I… I will do what I must,” Willy said. “But… I can’t kill another man… if you’re listening Zeru… I refuse your offer. I will find my own way… and beat Sidian, my own way!

Willy proudly closed his eyes, happy with his immediate, newly developed resolve, and drifted into a sound slumber.

Apr 11, 2012

Chapter 3 - The Syringe

Willy awoke. The lights in the room slowly began to cascade into focus. His eyes wandered vigilantly, yet lazily in a dozy spectrum. Rubbing his hand against his head, he sat up in the bed. He then felt the sheets. Much more shallow than his normal bed sheets at home. It was then he knew that he was at an unfamiliar place. He hadn’t noticed the pure white painted room he was inside first, before noticing by a sense of feel that he was in the wrong bed.

“You’re awake, I see,” the female nurse walked in the room, dressed in the standard white outfit, a clipboard in hand. She sauntered toward Willy’s bedside. After taking his temperature, pulse, and respiration, she smiled delightfully, leaving the room in a seemingly trance. Willy eyed her curiously before leaning back in his bed. She said nothing more, he didn’t ask. Why he didn’t ask, he wasn’t entirely sure. He was probably just afraid of the answer.

Willy couldn’t possibly grasp his situation right now. The last thing he even remembered was his bout with Sidian in the fundraiser race, in front of the whole school. He was humiliated! More than that, he lost! Willy clenched his fists and sheets, clenching his teeth, the veins in his head bulged.

“That bastard… he got me!” Willy exclaimed, making no attempt at hiding his frustration. For once in his life, one of the rare occurrences, he lost what little of his rationality he was holding onto. He yanked the sheets off of his bed, throwing them on the floor. He clutched his pillow, just glaring at it with the most horrible, tender eyes. He narrowed his eyes, burying his face into his pillow, compressing it against his face for a few seconds before calming down, steadily releasing his grip under a few calmer breaths. He glanced over to the door, seeing a lone figure standing inside, a feminine one, silver flowing hair, hazel eyes that matched Willy’s in intensity. She folded her arms, looking at Willy as what he mistook as pity.

She said nothing, only sighing at the pathetic sight she seen her younger brother in. She understood more than anyone in the world how stubborn and persistent he was. Once he had his mind set on something, even she couldn’t bring him back, even if she kicked his ass a hundred times over.

“It hurts,” Willy finally said, breaking the silence with a grainy tenor. Lara leaned her head down, cutting her eyes up to face Willy, not moving from her initial spot.

“Your leg?” Lara inquired.

Willy shook his head. Lara turned her head away for a second, looking down the open hallway. Upon examining the outside hall, she gently closed the door to the room. She further approached Willy’s bedside, smoothly placing her hand among the side rails. Willy continued looking forward, avoiding eye contact with his sister.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Lara said with a smile. Willy took a while to respond, leaning back he folded his arms while leaning back.

“I lost,” Willy stated bitterly. “He made me look like a fool.”

“Honestly Willy, you say the strangest things,” Lara lightly chuckled. Willy looked up once more, clearly not amused.


“People were astounded by your performance, you and Sidian.”

“What does that matter?” Willy asked, gritting his teeth. “In the end, I’m the loser. I lost to him. That’s all that matters. He showed me up.”

Lara closed her eyes, inhaling deeply before continuing. “You did your best.” She reopened them, staring at Willy with the most passionate eyes he had seen in his life. One thing about Lara, she was an awful liar. You could see it in her eyes when she lied. She was honestly the most sincere person he knew. Right now, she was speaking from the heart. Willy was too stubborn to see through to that.

Willy scoffed, folding his arms with resent, a large scowl upon his face. “A loser is a loser, a winner is a winner. Winners get more recognition, winners get ahead in life. Winners are leaders. I have dreams of going into the NBA. If I’m gonna make that a reality, I have to be top notch! Even you understand this, right Lara?”

Lara turned away from Willy for a split second, turning her back to him to walk out of the room. She glanced back with a genuine smile. “A real winner knows when to accept defeat. Losing is what molds winners, Willy. It’s our experience, and it’s what builds the foundation for our sportsmanship.” Willy’s eyes widened lightly, yet his face still twisted in an angry scoff. “If you want to go to the big leagues, you have to understand that more than anything else.”

Willy remained calm, staring out at open space, lost in thought. Had he been so obsessed with winning, he lost his sense of sportsmanship? Just as Dew said the other day, he was a loser. His friends appeared to be slipping away. He sat up in his bed, staring at the door as it creaked open once more. Lara stood back, the white coated doctor walked in the room, clipboard between his right arm and side, eyes closed, he pushed up his glasses with his index and middle finger. He approached the corner of the room, eyeing Willy.

“Doctor Norton,” Lara greeted from the other side of the room politely. He waved a short gesture with a curt nod before turning to his patient, Willy.

“Good to see you awake, Willy.” Doctor Norton spoke professionally in a British accent, a man one could easily rely on. Willy could tell that about him at a glance, as could Lara. “You took quite a nasty fall there. How you holding up?”

Willy looked up, nodding slowly. “I’m fine,” he replied simply.

“Good, good. Well Willy, I’m not going to mince words with you boy.” The doctor glanced on seriously. Willy’s eyes perked up slightly, his mouth somewhat agape. Lara stared on inquisitively.

“Your anterior cruciate ligament is torn. In other words, a torn ACL.”

Willy looked up in shock, his eyes completely widened, his mouth agape. Lara’s reaction was virtually the same, although much less severe than Willy’s case. His whole body shook from the news. It couldn’t be true. He had heard of torn ACLs before, nothing he heard was anything short of awful.

“I would recommend reconstruction surgery, due to the severity of the tear. The ligament is completely torn; therefore it will not heal on its own. After that an extensive period of rehabilitation to regain proper function of the knee again. The chances of you regaining full strength in that knee, due to the severity of the injury, is very unlikely.”

Willy sat still, not even knowing how to react. He simply glared up at Doctor Norton. “… No… there has to be another way! Isn’t there like… some drug you can give me? Don’t athletes get them all the time?!” Willy exclaimed, on the verge of freaking out. The news still hadn’t even fully settled with him. Lara clutched her hands together across her chest and looked down solemnly.

Doctor Norton looked on rather apathetically to Willy. “If you’re lucky, you may be able to return as good as new. Although, you’re looking up at at least nine months of recovery.”

“Come on… don’t say that…” Willy said, laughing slightly. Now into the denial phase. “It… it can’t be over! This is everything to me!”

The doctor merely shook his head, walking out of the room, passing by Lara on the way out. Lara gestured to the doctor. “Thank you, Doctor Norton.” The doctor merely nodded in return and left, closing the door behind them.

Merely seconds after he left, Willy’s shaking hand clutched the right side of his forehead, over his right eye. Tears began to well up in his left, uncovered eye. He fought with all of his might not to do this. Even watching Willy swelled up Lara herself inside. She watched, looking down at her beloved, heartbroken brother with the most somber eyes.

“…It’s over… isn’t it?” Willy’s voice became raspier, his throat scratchy. He let the waterworks fall. Lara leaned down across the hospital bed, embracing him by his shoulders. She was there for him; it was the best thing she believed she could have done for him. She couldn’t personally imagine how he felt right now. An inspirational speech at this moment wasn’t hitting on the right timing this round. Together, she intended to be there with her only brother in the world.

A week had passed since the news had passed on Willy’s condition, and exactly five days after the surgery. The pain was excruciating, unlike anything Willy had fought in his life. He had to sleep in one position, with the inability to move his knee, and he spent most of his time laid in his bed. Watching the ceiling and ESPN was his main pastime. During this period, he was unusually silent, only speaking unless personally addressed, and only speaking to Lara, accepting no visitors or get-well cards, anything of the like that reminded him as a form of pity. He missed school, Lara taking the iniative to hand him his homework and personally tutor him (which she was pretty good at doing. Then again, there wasn’t much Lara couldn’t do, except cook). He mainly folded his arms and dazed off, his mind elsewhere.

In spite of the situation, Willy found it odd there was a guy he blamed more on the incident rather than himself. Perhaps it was a cop-out to blame this ‘accident’ on the intentional actions of another within the race, but he didn’t care, it made him feel better. In his condition, he didn’t honestly care if he was being a jerk. Seeing his first visitor that day, all of those feelings suddenly bulged up inside of him, consuming him in a fiery wrath that could barely be contained, except by a bandaged up leg and a crutch that was hidden by Lara incase he did intentionally intend to strike poor Dew with it.

“Willy-man!” Dew entered the room, accompanied by Lara from behind. Willy scowled ahead, looking at the wall, paying no mind to Dew at first. “Been a while dude. How you been holding up?” Dew asked, before even waiting for a response, he approached Willy, which Willy responded with an immediate upward scowl. Dew cocked his head back slightly, a ‘what’s your deal?’ look on his face.

“What are you doing here?” Willy asked with squinted, unappreciated eyes. Dew looked back, somewhat bewildered by Willy’s sudden demeanor. Of course he wouldn’t understand the psychological impact of Willy’s pain the last week, but what was this about? Had he done something?

“I came to wish you well, my man,” Dew replied with a frothy manner, attempting to slice through the thick, superfluous tension thickening the atmosphere. “Wh-what’s wrong with you?”

“You wouldn’t know, man. Why are you here acting like everything is cool?” Willy lowered his head, shifting his eyes to face Dew’s with a headstrong glare, an esteemed glare that was a clear declaration of resent. Dew, obviously, had no idea what was going on.

“I’m not following you,” Dew said, chuckling lightly, rubbing the back of his head. “What’s wrong with you, man?”

“It’s all your fault! You ruined everything! My career, my ambitions, my life! I have nothing left, all because you tripped me at the race!”

Dew stared down wide eyed at Willy, in apparent disbelief. “You’re blaming me for an accident? What the hell is your problem?” Dew asked, his tone gaining a pristine callousness. Willy glared fiercely at Dew, the latter whom returned with a ferocious stare of his own. Even right now, Willy didn’t back down, despite never seeing this side of Dew before. Dew never even shown this side of his personality to Willy, his apparent best friend. The strains were on now. “It was an accident; simple as that. Why are you making a federal case out of this?”

“My problem? Look at me!” Willy exclaimed, no longer able to simply hold it in. He had held it in for so long, he needed release. “That’s easy for you to say! You weren’t the one who snapped your knee because a lard ass tumbled along your merry way. It was ‘cause of you I lost the race. You made me look like an idiot, like a loser. Exactly like you called it the other day. I hope you’re satisfied now, ‘cause you’ve taken everything from me.”

“It was an accident. But… let me assure you one thing buddy…” Dew’s hair covered his face, shadowing his immense expression. He smiled slowly, clenching his fist, he grabbed Willy by the collar of his shirt, thrusting him up to his face. Willy sprawled in pain as his knee was also forcefully jerked from underneath his encased pillows. He bit his lip, attempting to hide the pain. “This isn’t.”

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, talking to me like that, you little punk.” Dew grinned wildly, pulling his other fist back behind him, tightening it to smash against Willy’s face.

“It’s about time someone shut your feeble punk ass up… you got any idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this?!” Dew exclaimed, his grip tightened, clutching Willy’s collar by his throat. He gagged, attempting to fight Dew away… but to his surprise, Dew’s strength was extraordinary. Willy’s eyes widened in dismay, yet remained vigilant and headstrong.

“If that will make you feel like the better man… if you wanna insult my any farther, go ahead and do it! Prove to me how much of a coward you are!” Willy shrieked with all of his vocal strength, his face twisting into a ferocious glower. Dew smiled, his eyes then looked down at Willy, the look of a victor.

“Just like a winner is born a winner… a loser is born a loser! That’s just how shit works son!” Dew launched his fist forward in a blazing might. As Willy braced himself for the worst, in no physical condition to evade the blow, he waited, closing his eyes for the trajectory which never came. Willy slowly opened his eyes as a slight narrow, extending them upon the realization Dew’s hand was caught.

Willy heard Dew’s grunts as he attempted to fight his fist free from Lara’s quick, strong grip. Lara’s hazel eyes stared critically into Dew’s, looking for the faintest sign of weakness. Dew smiled, jolting his hand away, even forcefully, and stood back. Lara staggered slightly by Dew’s sudden burst of strength, that even long surpassed hers. She stared seriously at Dew.

“I think it’s time for you to leave.”

Dew nodded slowly, glaring at them both with a twisted smile. “Yeah. You’re right. See you later, Willy-man.” Dew waved, walking out of the room as if nothing had happened at all. Lara sighed, turning to Willy, who to her surprise, was genuinely taken aback. He had spoken his mind, but he certainly didn’t expect this kind of retaliation to Dew. Had he really felt that way about Willy, his supposed best friend, for this long? Willy looked away.

He felt he was slipping away, and losing everything.

Willy sat in the hospital room, time for his one week check up after his surgery. Lara stood within the room with him, observing the various posters and props within the room. She took innate interest in an anatomy of the human muscles chart. Lara always stated one of her primary goals was to become a surgeon. She often studied under the doctors at the hospital there during her free time. With Lara’s busy schedule, she and Willy rarely actually seen each other, only on account of Willy’s accident were the two strung together so closely once again.

The nurse walked inside, same one as a week ago, the rather eerily creepy nurse with the strange uplifting smile, every bit of an oxymoron as it was. Lara stepped back, turning around, she greeted the nurse with a friendly gesture. The nurse simply smiled back with the same eerie, unwavering beam.

“Would you mind leaving the room for a moment, Lara?”

Lara glimpsed up, staring with an inquisitive eye at the nurse. She crept him out about as much as Willy, but hers was more along the lines of suspicion. She decided not to raise a case among the scenario, and complied. Lara slowly nodded with a gracious smile, showing herself the exit of the room, she gently shut the door.

The nurse gaped down at Willy, a gratifying smirk plastered among her face he couldn’t quite decipher himself. She slowly flicked the loose strands of goldenrod hair out of her face before commencing. What she was about to say completely caught him off guard.

“You’re in pain… that breaks my heart. Such a healthy young man with the ambitions to take on the world. A tragic robbery.” She spoke calmly, a rather cold chill to her words that sent a small shiver down Willy’s spine. He wiped his hand across his face, attempting to hide the fact he had shed tears before her entrance.

“Why do you care?” Willy asked with an impromptus sudden jolt of his hands. He looked away from the female nurse with certain distaste about her.

“I can make the pain diminish.”

Perhaps she was taking advantage of Willy’s desperate nature, but he didn’t care. If it was an opportunity, he would take anything and everything. Willy perked up, staring at the woman with a severe wide gaped stare.

“I’m listening.”

The nurse pulled out a syringe from within her white coat pocket on the inside. Willy appeared dumbfounded, waiting for the nurse’s next response. Her face twisted into a look of dominance.

“Will you comply, Willy?”

Willy would have stood back if he could, but being confined to the bed he simply nodded slowly, somewhat reluctantly. “"You can really fix me?"” He thought, saying it aloud. The nurse nodded in compliance. Willy's gaze averted down over his body, looking at his perplexed, weakened state. He hated this. More than that, he hated the two people he felt were responsible for his downfall. Willy finally nodded. "Whatever it takes."

“Hold still,” she creepily stood next to him, straightening the needle before injecting Willy in his arm. Willy felt a short jolt of stinging pain before it subsided completely. He groaned. Compared to the pain he had endured the last week this was nothing. If this little sting injection was all it took to make Willy’s recovery that much faster, it would be well worth it. The nurse smiled, putting the needle away, and began walking out.

“What was that syringe?” Willy asked before she left. She stopped, didn’t turn around.

“This will be everything. The bridge you are to cross from this day on is crafted by a shift of fate. Remember me... Willy.” She began, looking back at Willy with somewhat deranged, lustful eyes. What she lusted after, Willy had no idea. Maybe it was his satisfaction, but that seemed really strange. She was strange either way. "For my name is Sora."

The nurse, 'Sora', left the room, leaving only a bewildered Willy watching her leave. He stared at the doorway for a long minute before turning back in his bed, adjusting his leg.